How to know when the time is right

   I’m a cautious person, by nature. I don’t want to do anything where there’s a high risk of failure or embarrassment (although all too often, I perceive those two as the same thing). And this manifests itself as a whole lot of waiting and preparation in my life. I don’t want to do something if I don’t know that I can do it well. And you might be thinking that I’m leading up to how horrible that is as a life strategy, and you’d be right, sort of. But it’s a broader idea that I’d like to expand on.

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An open letter to the older generation

      I’ve been working with senior citizens for a few years now, alongside many people who are also older than me. And I have recently stopped working with older adults, but they are still in my heart and in my head. I have seen similarities and differences between myself and my elders highlighted. And it’s left me with a lot of love for them. However, I also have a lot to say. So today, I just wanted to write down my thoughts. If you are someone who is of an older generation, know that I’m also writing to you. (In a vague and generalized way.) I hope you will take time to read my thoughts, as I have taken a long time to piece them together. 

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Nobody can teach you how to live your life

  We all want to know how to get the most out of our lives. The most fulfillment, joy, accomplishment, connection, etc. So naturally, we attempt to better ourselves with goals and reflection, and we try to take in other people’s ideas through books, interviews and other media (like this website, for example). And it’s all a good effort, I’d say. But broad strokes, it’s misguided. Because nobody can teach you how to live your life.

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The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: Books That Changed My Life

   If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that I haven’t always been the most organized person. (Start on that story here.) Even after moving into my own place, I still had a lot of messy tendencies and honestly, felt powerless to change this part of myself. After getting so frustrated with myself, I turned to books. And today, I want to talk about one of the books that turned my life around. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

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Books that changed my life: How Successful People Think

    Hello, and welcome back to The Thoughts that Bind. Today I want to begin a new series, one that highlights other people’s ideas outside of my own. I’ve briefly recommended a few books on this site, acknowledging that they’ve made a big difference in my life and how I think of things. Now I feel it’s time to talk about them and showcase them all on their own. These books changed my life, and I think they could change yours too. So let’s get into it!

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