Happy–The Meaning of MissBekah Music

   Hello, and welcome back to the Thoughts that Bind. And if you’re new here, welcome. Now, as you may or may not know, I’m Rebekah. And other than keeping this website maintained, I also like to make music. Sometimes I like to use music to simply express myself, while other times the songs I make have more to do with how I see the world. I found that there was some overlap with things I wanted to say to my readers here, and in my music. And so, I decided to begin a series wherein I talk about certain songs and the viewpoint that informs them. 

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8 Things I Wish I Would’ve Known When I Was Younger

Hello, and welcome back to the Thoughts that Bind. And if you’re new, welcome! Great to have you. I talk a lot on this site about how to improve your life, and things that I learn and observe along the way. It’s true, on this site, we love introspection! And I was feeling introspective earlier. Instead of writing a letter to my past self or working it out in my journal, I realized there are a few quick things that I wanted to share with my readers. Things that I wish I would’ve learned sooner, so that you can avoid having to learn the long, hard way. So this one will be a bit of a shorter post today, but I hope you enjoy all the same. Let’s get started!

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How to organize your mind when you’re feeling overwhelmed

   Hello and welcome back to the Thoughts that Bind. Now, today we’re going to talk about a concept that many of us already know. I think we all need a reminder from time to time, especially when things get rough. So today, I want to sit you down, especially if you’re feeling frazzled and say “it’s okay, I’m here for you. I’m fact, it’s more than okay. This is actually good.”

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The toxic pressure of success

   Hello, and welcome back to the Thoughts that Bind! Now, we talk a lot on this site about how to succeed in life and make yourself stick to what it is that you want to get done. These skills are incredibly important when it comes to being able to live a life that you’re proud of. But at some point, it all falls flat. Because it’s not the be-all, end-all for life. And today, I want to talk about the other side of that coin.

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Can you waste your life?

   Hello, and welcome to the Thoughts that Bind. If you’ve been following us for a while, then welcome back! 

   Today, we’re going to be talking about a very important question. And while I think it’s important to mention that it has no specific correct answer, there are very many points to be discussed when thinking this over. So remember as you’re reading, this conversation is one of nuance and opinion, not of objective correctness. With that in mind, let’s dig in. 

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The worst things in life could be your saving grace

   I hate to be the one to try to push positivity on people who are hurting. All my growing up years, it seemed that anytime I would feel negative emotion, there would be someone telling me why I shouldn’t feel that way. Or why I didn’t have to. Why I was wrong or should be looking on the bright side. 

   And now, years later, I still very much dislike the reaches of toxic positivity. I’ve covered it before on this site, I think it’s very important to acknowledge and fully feel our feelings—even the ones that present as negative. In my opinion, the only way we can work through these feelings is by acknowledging them for what they are and letting ourselves feel them. This is the beginning of the real emotional work, not denial. And if you want to learn more about this subject, I recommend reading my post about it here

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