Sometimes we get so preoccupied with magic tricks, we forget all about the importance of the fundamentals- like downward dog.
The problem with perfection
I tried to be perfect for the longest time. I’ve come to find that the pursuit of perfection is one of the most neurotic things that a person can do. Continue reading “The problem with perfection”
Act as if vs. Real thought building
A while back, my boyfriend and I were chilling out after a long day of work. After dinner, we found ourselves scrolling through his social media feed to find a picture of a very attractive woman who obviously worked out, wearing very little clothes. We both enjoyed the picture, seeing her aesthetic beauty was certainly a pleasant experience, at least at first. Yet before the hour was over, I found myself spinning in a cyclone of thoughts and subtle emotions, seemingly unable to get out.
Good People

I’ve always wanted to be a good person for as long as I can remember. I think most people can relate to that, but what is a good person? What makes someone a good person? And can you be a good person who is better than other than other good people, or is it more like an achievement badge where once you’re a good person, you’re part of the good people club?
Limitations of Therapy
I am a huge fan of therapy. I think it’s something that most people would very much benefit from at least once in their lives, providing they find a therapist that clicks with them. That being said though, there’s something important that most therapists won’t tell you.
How to get older happily using happiness baseline
An elderly woman once told me something that I’ve been unable to forget. She said to me, “That’s the funny thing about getting old. Continue reading “How to get older happily using happiness baseline”
Therapy and Wanting to Change
How many times have we heard therapists say that they can help you, but you have to do the work, or that you have to really want to change? It’s so cheesy and cliched but it is very true. The fact is, if you don’t personally find a problem with your behavior, you are very unlikely to ever change–even if everyone you’re close to is getting hurt.
YOLO vs. Plan for the future

A phrase that used to be used by young people but now itself is an antiquity is “yolo” or “you only live once”. It’s odd, but even when I was a conservative Christian, I always had a bone to pick with that phrase. I tended to say, “you only live once, unless you believe in reincarnation. Then you live over…and over
As a young person, college is something that is expected of me. I knew I was going to go to college ever since I was about five years old. My mom did it, my dad did it, and in fact so did all of the adults that I knew.