If you’ve had a trauma in your life and are dealing with the broken remnants of feelings and memories, I highly recommend EMDR.
Continue reading “Lessons I learned from EMDR (trauma therapy)”
Living life as it comes
If you’ve had a trauma in your life and are dealing with the broken remnants of feelings and memories, I highly recommend EMDR.
Continue reading “Lessons I learned from EMDR (trauma therapy)”
Hello everyone, and thank you for returning to “Can a Slob Change?”, my story chronicling my journey from messy to clean. This is my conclusion, From Slob to Neat. If you haven’t read the first two installments, please go back and do so, since the end of the story is nowhere near as interesting without the beginning. Part one is Slob at Heart and Part two is Learn to be Neat?
When we left off, I was distraught. I was down in my room afraid that in the future, I might not be able to Continue reading “Can a Slob Change? Pt 3: From Slob to Clean”
Hello everyone, and welcome to Part 2 of Can a Slob Change? If you haven’t already done so, please go back and read Part 1: Slob at Heart. In it, I outline what it was like to be a child with a perpetually disastrous room, as well as dive into some of the reasons why I was so comfortable in the mess. Continue reading “Can a Slob Change? Pt. 2: Learn to be neat?”
As a child, I was always messy. My mom would tell me, “You’re just a pack rat, like your dad.” I never wanted to throw anything away, or put it where it “belonged”. In fact, none of my possessions had a place where they belonged—at least, not in an organizational sense. No, actually I used my mess as a means of navigating my room. Instead of the book I loved belonging in a certain place on the shelf, it belonged on the floor over to that side.
Continue reading “Can a Slob Change? Pt. 1: Slob at Heart”
I believe everybody is on their own journey of forgiveness, but sometimes their current phase or even ultimate destination is one without it.
For some people, it’s harder.
In a day where mental illness
And abuse rates seem ever-rising,
Life can be so dark
And confusing for some.
Do you know that one day
You could feel as great
As you do horrible now?
I’m sensitive,
It’s not a crime.
So you’ve felt hopeless and devastated. You’ve been terrorized, humiliated, and confused. You’ve decided you have had enough and can’t take it anymore, and you need to know the next step towards moving on.
Continue reading “How to rise up again after abuse, trauma, addiction or injustice”
You have a choice. Each little decision will make up your identity, bit by bit.