You’re gonna like who you become

   Hello and welcome to the Thoughts that Bind! And if you’re returning, welcome back! Thanks for checking back in with me. Today’s post is going to be short and sweet. I just wanted to affirm for you how awesome you are. And yes, this is an urgent matter. Perhaps the most urgent thing you could possibly give your attention to right now. Because sometimes, we forget. 

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Why you should learn another language

   Hello and welcome back to the Thoughts that Bind. And if you’re new, welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here and consider subscribing to the blog. Recently, I’ve been through some big changes in my life. And one of them includes learning a new language. For the past year (plus a few months), I have been making my way towards becoming bilingual. And at first it seemed more like something I had to do. But the more that I’ve learned, the more I’ve noticed some benefits. This made me curious, and I decided to look into what science and the internet had to say about the matter. 

   As it turns out, learning a language is super good for you and your life! And so today, I really wanted to just talk to you all. About what I’ve noticed, what I’ve learned, and really just encourage you. If you’ve ever wanted to try learning a language (or even if you’ve never thought of it before), to give it a try! 

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6 Habits that will change your life

Hello and welcome to the Thoughts that Bind! And if you’re returning, welcome back! I’ve been thinking a lot about habits recently, both good ones and bad ones. And today, I wanted to talk about 6 habits that will change your life. Or, more accurately, six habits that changed mine. You see, I can’t tell you what would be right for you, but I do know that in my experience, these six things made all the difference.

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Happy–The Meaning of MissBekah Music

   Hello, and welcome back to the Thoughts that Bind. And if you’re new here, welcome. Now, as you may or may not know, I’m Rebekah. And other than keeping this website maintained, I also like to make music. Sometimes I like to use music to simply express myself, while other times the songs I make have more to do with how I see the world. I found that there was some overlap with things I wanted to say to my readers here, and in my music. And so, I decided to begin a series wherein I talk about certain songs and the viewpoint that informs them. 

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