As I’m sure most of you know, I’m vegan. And yes, I wish the world was more vegan. But that’s not what I’m trying to tell you today.
Continue reading “What we owe the animals: My Two Cents”The disastrous nature of multitasking
Today we’re going to be talking about multitasking. Yes, that thing that you were never very good at but they try to keep encouraging at work and school and well, basically anything that involves a performance aspect to it. So let’s dive in, shall we?
Continue reading “The disastrous nature of multitasking”Standing still: the quiet side to boundaries
Sometimes it’s harder to stand still than it is to take action and stand up for yourself. And today, I want to speak to that, as a skill-an important skill.
Continue reading “Standing still: the quiet side to boundaries”54321 Panic Attack Help
If you suffer from panic attacks, I’m sorry to hear that. I know how awful it can be. And if you’re having one right now, just breathe and keep reading. I’m going to share with you a technique for helping them calm down.
Continue reading “54321 Panic Attack Help”Lazy or scared?
For as long as I can remember I have avoided doing certain things. Things that have involved a certain level of effort or engagement. I avoided ordering at restaurants, getting up to sharpen my pencil at school, asking for seconds at the dinner table, and practicing new skills. I was called lazy a lot.
Hydration- who cares?
When someone’s trying to “get healthy” or “stay healthy”, there are some definite clichés that we hear. Eat less move more, get more sleep, and yes, staying hydrated is one of those clichés. And while I’m aware that many people walk around dehydrated most of the time, many of us also don’t understand the importance of drinking water, or what it can really do for you.
Continue reading “Hydration- who cares?”Getting older: my two cents
As some of you might know, I recently had a birthday. Now, I had a good birthday. I spent it with people who made me smile and we did vaguely celebratory things but this year just felt…different.
Continue reading “Getting older: my two cents”Fear is sneaky
For many, fear is a straightforward response. Something is proposed, we become afraid, we avoid it, the end. But if you’ve made some sort of decision not to give into fear, it can get a little more complicated than that.
Can love last forever?!
I think deep down many of us are very weary of people who don’t work out, love that we lose. We want to find our “person”, and just…live happily ever after already! Yet when we look at the examples of love and companionship around us, we’re left feeling something short of assurance.
Continue reading “Can love last forever?!”Challenging my fears: after six weeks
I’m a month and a half into my challenge, and I’ve got a lot to say. You can find my initial post about this challenge here and last week’s update here. Without further ado, let’s get into it.
Continue reading “Challenging my fears: after six weeks”