Write a letter (to your past self)

   So recently, I wrote a post about writing letters. You can find it here, if you haven’t read it yet. But essentially, I covered the beautiful release that it can bring to you, as well as new perspectives on old events, and also that sending a letter can really make someone’s day, and help encourage them way beyond what you might imagine. I also vowed to bring some ideas for letter-writing to my dear readers, so that even those of you struggling for ideas will have access to this beautiful practice, at least to get the ball rolling. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, here is your first idea: write a letter to your past self. 

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After therapy ends: Pt. 1 Therapy should end

   It’s no secret, I’ve talked about therapy a lot on this site. I’ve given you a story of when I was in therapy, a piece on if you should be in therapy, a post on if you should quit therapy, not to mention a smattering of other pieces as well as mentions of therapy in posts where therapy is not the main topic. That’s because it’s been a big part of my getting better, and for those of you who have access and can afford it, I think it could be an important tool for you. (That’s what this is about, after all, expanding our tool belts.) But today, I’m doing something a little different.

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The pursuit of kindness

   “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” I think we’ve all heard this phrase once or twice before in our lives, especially in our younger years. When we’re little, people spend so much time trying to teach us to be nice to one another, so that this world is a better place to live in, but I think it’s time we set the record straight. What we want to be shooting for is true kindness.

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Can you choose your feelings?: My Two Cents

   I can’t stand people who are condescending to the mentally ill. They say things like “can’t you just get over it?” and “you’re overreacting, chill out.” These are people who either lack empathy or have no idea what it’s like to have your mind betray you at every turn. And something these people often imply is that you can just choose to be okay when you’re not. So today let’s look at that. Is it true?

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Rip up your bucket list

   What do you want to do with your life? What do you want your legacy to be? I mean, when you’re on your death bed you don’t want to think, “maybe I shouldn’t have watched so much Netflix” do you? Of course not! You want to get out there and do stuff! Give the world a run for its money while you’re still around. 

   We all want to do something real with our lives. We want to have experiences and make connections and find meaning. We hear things like “live every day like it’s your last” and that inspires us, because we know that overall, we’re hardly even living. It’s depressing.

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Believing your thoughts: my two cents

   Hi everyone! A while back, I posted about the inner work necessary in order to improve your emotional health. (If you’re interested about my journey with inner work, you can find that post here.) In that piece, I mentioned that I would be writing about specific mental work in the future. Well, wait no longer because that day is today! And today, we’re talking about the validity of our thoughts.

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Where gratitude fails

   I’ve addressed gratitude already on this blog a few times, and rightly so. It’s a transformative practice, because it truly builds a new perspective for you about your life. Now, if you’re interested in hearing an argument for or my journey with gratitude, you can click here and here respectively. But today I’m going to take a little bit different of an approach. Because gratitude, like anything else, is an imperfect practice. And it has its’ limitations. 

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