What is mindful eating and will it help me?

   Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Thoughts that Bind. Today we’re talking about food and eating again, our favorite topic. And today, specifically, we’re talking about the lovely practice of mindful eating. Now, we’ve talked about intuitive eating before on this site, and if you haven’t read that discussion, you can find it here. But mindful eating, while an incredibly important part of intuitive eating, can be practiced on its own. So whether you’re from the intuitive eating camp or not, let’s get into it.

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Is personality fixed? (Or even real?)

   I’ve had lots of conversations about personality over the years, especially ones where personality itself wasn’t being discussed specifically, but rather used as a jumping off point to understand a person or situation or what have you. And it wasn’t until recently that I had sort of an epiphany, from yet another conversation, this one being incredibly short. In fact, I’d almost rather class it as an off-handed comment than a conversation, yet it struck me anyway. 

(DISCLAIMER: This post may contain affiliate links to Amazon, which means that I will make a small commission from purchases made through usage of these links.)

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How to follow your dreams after quarantine

   If recent global events have taught us anything, it’s that life is short. Or at least, it can be. And that alone is enough to give us some perspective about what’s truly important. We realize that maybe our jobs are just income sources, that we really don’t make enough time for self-care or that we don’t prioritize our loves ones nearly enough. And dreams, I think, fall into this category as well. 

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How not to be a hypocrite

   Today, we’re talking about hypocrites! I’ve covered hypocrites before in my post “God bless the hypocrites” which you can find here. We talked about how to handle criticism constructively, so that we can use it to our advantage. But after all that, you may still be wondering “how do I not end up a hypocrite?” And that’s what we’re diving into today, so put on your swimming goggles and let’s go.

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