There’s a concept that’s been on my mind recently, called closure. Although we all come into contact with the idea of closure from time to time in our lives, I can honestly say that I hadn’t really tried to work out what it meant to me until very recently. And as usual, it was one quick sentence that sparked this realization.
Continue reading “What is closure? (And do we need it?)”Kindness, but to yourself: my two cents
We’ve talked about kindness before on this site. You can find that post here, if you’re interested. In it, I talked about how important kindness is, how much we really need it in this world, and how to go about living our lives in a kind way. But one thing was entirely left out of the equation. What about being kind…to yourself? That’s what we’re going to talk about today.
Continue reading “Kindness, but to yourself: my two cents”How to reminisce without making yourself sad
I want you to sit down for a moment. Now, take a deep breath and remember a time when you felt truly at peace, happy, or excited. You can even close your eyes if you want. Really get into the memory. What were you seeing? Feeling? What about who you were with? Was it hot outside? Try to work up a really vivid memory. And once you have open your eyes.
Continue reading “How to reminisce without making yourself sad”Nothing is promised in life
In life, nothing is truly certain. Do these words fill you with dread and contempt? I know in the past, they have for me. The problem is, they’re just factually correct. As much as you can work hard and prepare for so many things in life, when you get down to it, nothing is truly a given. And that’s what I want to talk to you about today.
Continue reading “Nothing is promised in life”When (and how) to finally let go
Maybe you were hurt by someone a while ago. Or you fell in love and it was never reciprocated. Or you had this dream for so long but you just can’t make it work. We’re talking about it today–letting go. It’s a heavy, but important topic that we don’t talk about often enough.
Continue reading “When (and how) to finally let go”How to discover (and build) your true self
So recently, we talked about our personal identity. How we pick it up, and how to dismantle the inauthentic parts of ourselves. (If you didn’t read that one, you can find it here.) But once you’ve become aware of the parts of yourself that don’t feel authentic and let them go, how do you discover who you really are, and build up your identity? And so we’re picking the subject back up today. Here’s how to start discovering yourself.
Continue reading “How to discover (and build) your true self”Your personal best
Today I want to talk to you about the idea of “doing your best”. It’s so problematic, because it’s so subjective. Some of us will make very little effort towards something, but then claim we did our best, because we know that people can’t technically argue with that. While still others use it as an excuse to judge themselves harshly for not being better at (insert whatever goal here) yet and burn themselves out in the process. So how are we supposed to find out what our real best is, and actually do it?
Continue reading “Your personal best”Who am I? (Let’s talk about personal identity)
Today we want to look into the question, “Who am I?” And not just scratch the surface, but really try to dig in and figure out what’s going on with you, who you’ve been, and who you’re becoming.
Continue reading “Who am I? (Let’s talk about personal identity)”What are we worth? My Two Cents
I recently had an eye-opening conversation with a friend, about our worth as human beings. It led me to a very frightening realization, for a while. The realization being that…I really don’t know what we, as people, as individuals, are really worth, and why.
Continue reading “What are we worth? My Two Cents”How to apologize
So, we know that nobody’s perfect. And sometimes you’re going to make mistakes that end up hurting other people. When this happens, the best thing to do is to apologize to them, authentically and thoroughly. Apologies are a great human custom. They’re good for the person who made the mistake, and the person who got hurt. They’re even good for everyone on the fringes of the conflict too. They give a chance for the conflict to draw to an official end, with a true solution, and a reconciliation for all involved. What could be better than that?
Continue reading “How to apologize”