Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Thoughts that Bind. Today, we’re talking about rest. Why we need it, and where to get it. So, let’s jump right in.
Continue reading “Why you need rest (+ the different kinds)”Without my phone: a life unplugged
When I was 18, I got my first cell phone. I remember feeling so excited. Finally, I would be just like everyone else. People would be able to text me and I could go online to find answers to anything I wanted. If only I knew what having a phone would entail, I might’ve felt differently.
Continue reading “Without my phone: a life unplugged”How to stop wasting your time
Let me start off with something you already know. Time is a nonrenewable resource. But we rarely ever stop to think about what that means.
Continue reading “How to stop wasting your time”Nobody can teach you how to live your life
We all want to know how to get the most out of our lives. The most fulfillment, joy, accomplishment, connection, etc. So naturally, we attempt to better ourselves with goals and reflection, and we try to take in other people’s ideas through books, interviews and other media (like this website, for example). And it’s all a good effort, I’d say. But broad strokes, it’s misguided. Because nobody can teach you how to live your life.
Continue reading “Nobody can teach you how to live your life”The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: Books That Changed My Life
If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that I haven’t always been the most organized person. (Start on that story here.) Even after moving into my own place, I still had a lot of messy tendencies and honestly, felt powerless to change this part of myself. After getting so frustrated with myself, I turned to books. And today, I want to talk about one of the books that turned my life around. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.
Continue reading “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: Books That Changed My Life”A practical look at shortage consciousness
Hello, and welcome back to the Thoughts that Bind! Today we’re going to talk about shortage consciousness. What it is, how it works, and what you can do about it, without espousing any specific spiritual ideas.
Continue reading “A practical look at shortage consciousness”How to build a new self authentically
The other day I was reading an article about how a lot of guys these days become men but still don’t feel like men. It was actually a pretty good article, if you want to take a look at it. (Click here to learn how to feel like a man from the art of manliness blog.) And while it may seem like an odd place for me to be drawing inspiration from since I am not a man, this one post really struck a nerve in me, so I wanted to talk about it.
Continue reading “How to build a new self authentically”Getting over impostor syndrome
Look at you. You’re trying to make something of yourself. Trying to make your mark on the world. Leave a legacy. Congratulations, you’re actually doing what most of us wish we had the courage to do! Except for the part where you feel like a complete fraud.
Continue reading “Getting over impostor syndrome”Trauma bonding and foul weather friends
What a little cozy can do: my two cents
Today I want to write a little different kind of post. I’m going to tell you a little story, about myself. Because I’ve thought this over, and I think the best way to make my point is to tell you where it comes from. So that you can relate to it. And so, here it goes.
Continue reading “What a little cozy can do: my two cents”