Many of us know ourselves to be predisposed to anxiety. We get nervous over what some might consider, “nothing” and life can be very difficult this way. Well this week we’re talking about some lifestyle changes that you can take on that may help you become more calm, cool and collected.
Oooh, confrontational title, right? What are we going to be saying today? Well, I think that we may be using social media in ways that are ultimately ruining our happiness.
Now, I know this is actually not a new subject. It’s not edgy for me to be saying this and it’s not going to garner a lot of surprise or disagreement, but I’m going to cover it anyway. The reason for this is that I have recently had my very own epiphany on this subject, and if you haven’t, then maybe I can help illuminate something for you too.
There are some people who thrive on tradition. They seem to get a big sense of place, purpose, and identity from tales of yesteryear. And without traditions, they’re left not knowing what to do.
Recently on the Thoughts that Bind, we talked about beliefs, and more specifically, how to be free of the old limiting beliefs that weigh you down in life. And if that subject interests you, you should go read that post by clicking here.
This week, we’re tackling belief from another perspective. In a sense, you may say it’s sort of a second step we take after changing our beliefs, but it has larger applications as well. That’s right, today we’re talking about coexisting with those who have different beliefs than you. The ups, downs and challenges that we face within this context are very important to address, especially following a conversation such as the one we’ve had about changing our beliefs. Because honestly, we should expect that there will be consequences to that.
Yes, you read that right! The Thoughts that Bind home office is packing up and moving cross county! My household has been preparing for this move for a while and while it’s still a little surreal, we are so excited to be navigating reality from a new location lens.
There are so many defining factors of you. Things that make you who you are, dictate how you act, and contribute to where you’re going to end up in life. And of course that’s the case. People are complex beings. You are a complex being. But I would argue that there’s one thing that pushes you the hardest down one path or another.
So I’ve taken up a new job. And I’m stocking shelves. I’m waist-high in boxes all day. Cutting them open, taking things out, breaking them down, filling them, hauling them. And after too many boxes, too many to count, I catch on a thought that just won’t go away. Boxes all have a lean.
What I mean by that is once you take the box apart, it will lay flat easier in one folding direction than another. Every box has its lean. And as humans, we’re really no different. We all have a sort of set point. A standard that we continually go back to, a comfort zone that we consider normal.
You know, not everybody gets a mom like I did, so present and involved. And some people lose their mom very early in life. But I’ve spent decades with mine, and we’ve been through some pretty crazy circumstances together in my family. Through it all, my mom has really been there. (At times she was even there more than I hoped she would be.) Because of this, she has taught me a lot in a lot of different ways. Now, I’d like to share those things with you, in hopes that they will help you.
I’ve been considering the idea of balance quite a bit lately. Both in regard to my own life, and also as a broad concept. I think it’s interesting, because most people I’ve talked to resonate with this idea of balance very strongly. We think that if only we could get everything in balance, our lives would be fun, satisfying, and harmonious. In a word, perfect. Finally. And if so many of us have this idea, then maybe there is something to it. So why do we seem to struggle so much?