It probably won’t be glamorous

We live in a world where people make money just by making their life look fab. We want to show the world that we’re awesome too, and that we measure up (we really do). So we tend to try and put on a happy face when we’re struggling. Even when we’re progressing we want to make sure it looks extra doubly amazing. We wish that our whole life would be worthy of a facebook post or an incredible vlog, and we even buy and sell stuff that has the message “no bad days”. Verbatim. Seriously. 

   And this is a post about that. Because deep down, it’s something that we all know. Not every day is going to be amazing. Not every moment or experience is going to be mind blowing and gorgeous. But on the bad days, those days when you just don’t feel like a rockstar, it doesn’t hurt to be reminded.

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