How social media may be ruining us

Oooh, confrontational title, right? What are we going to be saying today? Well, I think that we may be using social media in ways that are ultimately ruining our happiness.

   Now, I know this is actually not a new subject. It’s not edgy for me to be saying this and it’s not going to garner a lot of surprise or disagreement, but I’m going to cover it anyway. The reason for this is that I have recently had my very own epiphany on this subject, and if you haven’t, then maybe I can help illuminate something for you too.

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Coexisting–when our beliefs push us apart

   Recently on the Thoughts that Bind, we talked about beliefs, and more specifically, how to be free of the old limiting beliefs that weigh you down in life. And if that subject interests you, you should go read that post by clicking here.

   This week, we’re tackling belief from another perspective. In a sense, you may say it’s sort of a second step we take after changing our beliefs, but it has larger applications as well. That’s right, today we’re talking about coexisting with those who have different beliefs than you. The ups, downs and challenges that we face within this context are very important to address, especially following a conversation such as the one we’ve had about changing our beliefs. Because honestly, we should expect that there will be consequences to that. 

Continue reading “Coexisting–when our beliefs push us apart”