A socially broken generation– My Two Cents

I saw it said online that “the younger generation doesn’t believe that they owe anyone anything, but that’s not true. You owe respect to others, you owe it to others to tell the truth. You owe it to others basically, to be an upright person.” 

How I see it is nobody owes each other anything. But there are prerequisites to building something, including even a simple friendship. Heck, you don’t “owe” it to anyone to be a decent person, but there will be consequences if you’re not. You won’t have people supporting you after a while, because that’s simple risk assessment. If you’re a liar, eventually people will stop believing you. 

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What they don’t tell you about cutting people out


Hello everyone and welcome back to the Thoughts that Bind. (And if you’re new here, a warm welcome to you!) Today we’re talking about boundaries, and specifically cutting people out or “going no-contact”. It’s a subject I’ve covered before on this site a while ago, and I suggest you read this post first, if you haven’t already, as it is a good precursor to our discussion today. 

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How to be Happy, perspective from the Thoughts that Bind

  Hello and welcome to the Thoughts that Bind! And if you’re returning, welcome back! Thank you for tuning into our topic today, as it’s an incredibly individual and important one. I wanted to talk to you all about happiness, and how to finally be happy in your life, which is something we all could use a refresher course on. 

Continue reading “How to be Happy, perspective from the Thoughts that Bind”

Get obsessed about something!

   Hello and welcome back to the Thoughts that Bind. If you’re new here, welcome! On this site we like to talk a lot about what you can do to improve yourself and make your life more fulfilling. And today, our subject is a little bit of both. Although it might seem a little sensational, what I’m telling you is to go ahead and get obsessed with something. In fact, it could be one of the best things you can do for your life right now. 

Continue reading “Get obsessed about something!”